Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

Mice Have More Rights Than Newborn Babies

Sep 24, 2019

My legal team’s last day in court brought shocking testimony. Research mice are treated significantly more kindly than human newborn babies. This staggering revelation proves the complete disregard abortionist have for babies—even AFTER they are born.

LCA staff were working over the weekend to create a plan to pass the Born Alive Act. We are passionate about ending the horrific practice of harvesting organs from newborns. But our plan needs your help to pass this bill. You can send a fax today to quickly reach our targeted legislators and urge that they change their vote. Get started by clicking the button below. - Mat

Shocking testimony revealed that beating hearts are being harvested from tiny babies.

An expert witness, Dr. Theresa Deisher, Stanford PhD, testified about the lengths to which she must go as a cardiovascular researcher to make sure that the mice she studies do not suffer needless pain.

She testified how horrified she was upon reading various studies involving baby human hearts procured from Planned Parenthood. She realized that there was no way for those studies to have been done UNLESS THE HEARTS WERE STILL BEATING WHEN CUT OUT FROM THE ABORTED BABIES. Without anesthesia, of course.

Dr. Deisher consulted with David Daleiden before he and Sandra filmed the undercover videos. She told them that Planned Parenthood MUST be supplying BEATING baby hearts to researchers! But despite a half dozen abortionists being recommended for prosecution, not a single abortionist has been charged after this revelation.

The torture and murder of newborn babies are violent crimes. But abortionists are getting away with it. And Democrats are actively protecting them by blocking the Born Alive bill so that they can continue business as usual.

This week our staff has called, emailed, and stopped by offices across Capitol Hill. We have come up with 55 U.S. Senators who we can count on to vote for the Born Alive Act. That means we just need five more votes in the Senate to overcome the filibuster against this bill.

We have a narrow, targeted list of who we need to change their votes. Will you come alongside Liberty Counsel Action and add your voice to ours to demand the end of the torture and murder of these born-alive babies?

The lead team lawyer defending Sandra Merritt said the following:

“There were some very intense and dramatic scenes like I have never witnessed before in the Courtroom. With the witness on the stand about to testify, the Judge stops (at the AG’s request) to advise Dr. Theresa Deisher of potential criminal charges AGAINST HER if she testifies. The Judge tells her she might want to consult an independent lawyer.

The obvious point of all this was to intimidate her into not testifying. There is absolutely no indication or legal basis to believe she committed any crime.

This is a raw abuse of power by a desperate Attorney General and the clearest case of witness tampering and intimidation I have ever seen, which in and of itself is a felony.”

Dr. Theresa Deisher was shaken but not deterred. She did testify and exposed the reality that these experiments must be performed on a heart that was cut out of its chest while it is still beating. The Attorney General had NOTHING to say in response. They understood how devastating this testimony was to their defunct “case” against Sandra.

However, I am worried. After these bombshell revelations, not a single abortionist has had to face charges. No one has been convicted. And no one has been booked in jail –except for Sandra Merritt, who has done nothing wrong.

I want to make sure that the price that Sandra is paying to expose the truth will change our nation for the better. It is up to you and me to rise up and change our laws. Under the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, we can start prosecuting these abortionists for the torture and murder of newborn babies. Will you be the voice for those who have been brutally silenced?

We rely solely on donations so that we can continue to fight this battle. And we are constantly adjusting to the best strategy to coordinate with legislators, staff, and other groups to pass this bill. If you can become a monthly donor of 25, 50, or 100 dollars or more, it will allow us to focus on getting this bill passed and protecting these newborn babies.

Even if you can give a one-time donation right now, it would be greatly appreciated as we are pushing hard on this bill.

Thank you.


Mat Staver
Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. While the information from this case is still fresh, it is critical to take a stand for newborns’ right to life. Send a fax today to urge Congress to immediately protect these newborns. If you are able to donate, your support allows us to continue fighting for life. Help us spread the word about the dangerous blockade against this bill by sending this message to your friends.