Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Sep 26, 2019
This heart-breaking testimony shows even more horrific actions that my team is bringing to light on the witness stand. Babies, born alive, only to be tortured, dissected while living, murdered, and body parts sold for profit. This is hard to stomach, but we can stop this evil.
We are so close to passing a bill that will establish punishments for these barbarians. Out of hundreds of U.S. legislators who are defending these savage actions, we just need 20 more to sign on. Please send an urgent fax to demand justice for these innocent newborn babies. - Mat
Our nation will be judged by how we treat these children. Testimony in my legal team’s defense of Sandra Merritt once again confirmed, under oath, the grisly way abortion clinics are “harvesting” baby body parts.
One such procedure calls for cutting through the face of a 25-week-old newborn baby to get to his or her brain. This was being done WHILE THIS NEWBORN’S HEART WAS STILL BEATING. This age is almost a whole month after the point of viability outside the womb. And no anesthesia is given to these wiggling newborn babies.
It was a somber, sad day. My team could tell by the faces in the courtroom that even the most ardent abortion supporters were deeply disgusted.
These videos were recorded in 2015. In the four years that have passed, not a single abortionist has been convicted. They have not even been charged, had to arrange bail, or spend even one day in jail for their crimes. In contrast, Sandra Merritt has undergone all three, as the strong arm of California law is seeking to intimidate this innocent whistleblower.
Despite this reality, radicals in D.C. are still trying to claim that the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is not necessary because these newborns are already protected by previous legislation. But, the truth is different than their talking points.
Help us stop this newborn organ harvesting from ever happening again! We have a narrow, targeted list of who we need to change their votes. Will you send an urgent fax to demand the end of the torture and murder of these born-alive babies?
This has been a very busy week for my team. I am concerned that among all the baseless talk of impeaching President Trump, the grisly murders of these precious children will be swept under the rug. Help me keep this from happening.
Sandra Merritt is continuing to fight this, including having to pay 75,000 dollars in bail bond to get to the truth presented in court. I want to ensure that her great personal sacrifice will change our nation’s laws.
It is up to you and me to rise up and demand justice for the innocent. Under the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (HR 962 or S 311), we can start prosecuting these abortionists for the torture and murder of newborn babies. Will you be the voice for the voiceless and for those who have been brutally silenced?
My team has been swamped on Capitol Hill. We are fighting the false impeachment rhetoric against President Trump, all while pushing to hold Congress’ feet to the fire on the Born Alive Act. As we approach the end of September, could you partner with us by donating to give us a needed shot in the arm to keep fighting these battles?
Even if you can give a one-time donation right now, it would be greatly appreciated as we are pushing hard on this bill.
Thank you.
Mat Staver
Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action
P.S. While the information from this case is still fresh, it is critical to take a stand for newborns’ right to life. Even though the news cycle has already ignored and forgotten these precious babies, send a fax today to urge Congress to immediately protect these newborns.
If you are able to, please donate. Your support bolsters our team in our fight for these lives. Then help us spread the word about the dangerous blockade against this bill by sending this email to your friends.