Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

This Is Now Spreading Beyond the Borders

Jun 2, 2023

Government efforts to control your money are spreading in the form of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Australia, Thailand, Brazil, India, South Korea, and Russia intend to continue or begin pilot testing in 2023. A majority of nations are moving forward with CBDC — America included.

The Bank for International Settlement (BIS) describes itself as the “primary global standard setter.” The BIS keeps a list of which banks are meeting its standards, all while focusing on “climate-related risks.” The BIS is meeting next Tuesday, June 6.

The division of people between “essential” and “nonessential,” the social distancing, the lockdowns, and the shaming all had their effect of control. But people began to push back, and the restrictions began to lift. But if you are seeking total and lasting control, the way to go is through Central Bank Digital Currencies.

A financial prison is much more secure than any physical prison. We must NEVER become a cashless society beholden to a federally operated bank.

Three bills in Congress will stop Biden’s digital takeover. Contact Congress and urge them to pass HR 1122, HR 3712, and S 887. — Mat

The Bank of International Settlements is a key player in the spread of CBDCs around the world. The BIS has active partnerships with 60 government banks as well as the European Central Bank. Recently it has leveraged these partnerships to urge government banks to move forward with CBDCs.

The BIS has partnered with the U.K., Hong Kong, France, Canada, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Israel, Norway, Thailand, Singapore, China, and Switzerland — just to name a few — to explore and pursue a CBDC that goes beyond their own borders.

One source states, “Nearly every G20 country has made significant progress and invested new resources in these [CBDC] projects over the past six months.” Already this is spilling outside the border of one nation.

The source continues, “There are now 9 cross-border wholesale CBDC tests and 7 cross-border retail projects, nearly double the number from 2021.” This is not just a national government-controlled bank. This is setting the ground for an international, government-controlled bank!

This is designed for only one purpose — ultimate control over every purchase, action, and movement. Protect YOUR financial privacy! Tell Congress to VOTE YES on HR 1122, HR 3712, and S 887!

Last month, the BIS turned its attention to the financial impact of a pandemic and how banks can better control this process next time. It promoted “dynamic and inclusive economic growth.”

Yesterday, the BIS organized a “Green Swan Conference” and promoted it by saying, “What policies can accelerate the #GreenTransition?” This obviously refers control under the guise of “climate change.”

The head of the BIS, Agustín Carstens, stated, “Bank supervisors need to have a forward-looking culture and adopt a more intrusive stance.” (emphasis added)

We do not need “more” government intrusion into our lives. We need less.

The BIS is not alone. There is another annual “CBDC Conference” pushing climate change and inequity (what they call “equity”) as well as the global adoption of government control via digital currency. This conference does not just target governments, it also includes private companies.

We are on the cusp of a dangerous push for financial control over every single person in America. Tell Congress to VOTE YES on HR 1122, HR 3712, and S 887 to protect Americans from this international money grab!

The head of the BIS, Agustín Carstens, stated, “Bank supervisors need to have a forward-looking culture and adopt a more intrusive stance.” (emphasis added)

We do not need “more” government intrusion into our lives. We need less.

The BIS is not alone. There is another annual “CBDC Conference” pushing climate change and inequity (what they call “equity”) as well as the global adoption of government control via digital currency. This conference does not just target governments, it also includes private companies.

We are on the cusp of a dangerous push for financial control over every single person in America. Tell Congress to VOTE YES on HR 1122, HR 3712, and S 887 to protect Americans from this international money grab!

WE CANNOT GIVE GOVERNMENT THIS LEVEL OF POWER AND CONTROL. Join us by supporting Liberty Counsel Action with a monthly donation or a one-time giftDOUBLE the impact of your gift.

Together we can defend freedom and stop tyranny.


Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Join our Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your donationsSelect here.

P.P.S. Send faxes to key leaders to demand protection against government control of your personal finances down to your last penny. Sign our petition against these mandates.


“Bank Supervisors Need to Have a Forward-Looking Culture and Adopt a More Intrusive Stance: Agustín Carstens at the @EBFeu International Banking Summit Https://T.Co/Emhc45mesb Pic.Twitter.Com/Xrapvppcwf.” Twitter, June 1, 2023.

“#BaselCommittee, Committee for Payments and Market Infrastructures #CPMI and @IOSCOPress Invite Market Participants to a Survey on #MarginCalls That Will Help Analyse Liquidity Shortfalls in the Early Stages of the Pandemic – Deadline 17 May Https://T.Co/Njoxsqnfkg Pic.Twitter.Com/Lca4gm3aiw.” Bank for International Settlements, May 5, 2021.

“Bank for International Settlements.” CADTM, June 1, 2023.

“CBDC Conference - Istanbul & Online LATAM - Agenda.” CBDC Conference. Accessed June 1, 2023.

“Events.” Bank for International Settlements. Accessed June 1, 2023.

“It’s Important That Bank Supervisors Have Access to Greater Resources; Investment in Skills and Technology Is Critical to Enhance Effectiveness and for the Early Identification of Vulnerabilities: Agustín Carstens at the @EBFeu International Banking Summit Https://T.Co/Emhc45mesb Pic.Twitter.Com/Qtaodxkkcb.” Twitter, June 1, 2023.