Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Aug 9, 2024
Some of the greatest evils inflicted on humanity are not merely relegated to history, nor do they all take place in a foreign country. They happen every day here in America. What’s worse, the mask covering such evil has been removed.
And now, in my own home state of Florida, we have an example of how the evil tide of hate threatens our very survival.
Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups are hoping to deceive voters this November in order to institutionalize murder into multiple state constitutions.
What breaks my heart is how ill-informed people are about this issue and how easily they believe false information to support these abortion measures. These lies will lead to the deaths of the innocent preborn and, as I share below, even newborn babies!
Our team members at Liberty Counsel Action are working full throttle to educate and mobilize millions of voters.
I’ll also share the backstory of so-called humanized mice. This is just the tip of the iceberg. This has NO place in our nation. And yet it is one of the many things Planned Parenthood has been doing to both preborn and born-alive children.
I hope you will read my report and help stop this slaughter of innocent babies across the nation.
The chilling testimony about what is happening in our country is beyond comprehension. The former board member and chief financial officer for The Center for Medical Progress, Albin Rhomberg, described the following.
The staff at the abortion facility in question would arrive in the morning. Then the abortionists would arrive later. Mid-morning, a new group of people arrived carrying containers, sometimes with ice and other tools and equipment. A few hours later, an express delivery truck arrived at a regular time and departed with “special refrigerated gel-pack containers.”
After talking with the drivers and conducting online research, Rhomberg discovered that groups like StemExpress and Advanced Bioscience Resources were purchasing baby parts, which were being resold to researchers conducting studies on baldness.
Rhomberg revealed that Planned Parenthood and its affiliates were ripping the scalps off babies’ heads to sell to research facilities that were transplanting this skin onto living mice. Then they were using these “humanized mice” to test products for male pattern baldness!
Rhomberg testified in defense of my client, Sandra Merritt. This is what he told the court about Planned Parenthood:
There were these rumors that they were collecting the bodies [of aborted babies] for sale or for distribution in some way. In some cases, the people noticed that the [baby] parts went out before the mother went out. She would come—[some] times, come staggering out later, typically throwing up in the bushes and being helped out of the place, after the baby parts had already gone into the FedEx truck.
They were scalping the babies and taking their scalps and grafting them on to immune-suppressed mice, and then using various pharmaceuticals on these humanized mice to test the effect upon preventing or, I suppose you might say, treating baldness. (emphasis added)
This is sick, twisted, and evil. No words are strong enough to condemn this behavior — all in pursuit of vanity, personal selfishness, and greed.
Amendment 4 in Florida is extreme. The first four words (“No law shall restrict”) will allow abortion up to birth for any reason; strike down parental consent, informed consent, and health and safety regulations; and force taxpayers to fund abortion.
Help us mobilize key voters to save America.
Rhomberg testified that pro-life sidewalk counselors first discovered that Planned Parenthood was involved in the trafficking of baby body parts, even promoting it and advertising the sales of these organs as far back as 1999.
This is outrageous! I hope you will join me in fighting against abortion in every peaceful way possible, like the following:
Help hire staff directors to coordinate grassroots mobilization, down to the county and precincts.
Develop and distribute compelling information and resources.
Print millions of door knockers, flyers, and yard signs.
Educate and mobilize thousands of pastors!
All of this takes a massive amount of work and vital resources. There is no more noble cause than protecting the lives of innocent children and families.
Help our team accomplish this massive effort to educate and mobilize voters, community leaders, pastors, and volunteers, and provide the resources and coordination to save the lives of preborn and newborn babies!
Your gift of 25, 50, 100, 500, 1,000 dollars, or more will help sponsor the critically needed temporary staff we must hire for the next few months. And we have to produce massive amounts of material to get into the hands of people. We can do it, but we cannot do it without your help.
Thank you for your compassion for these little children.
Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action
I urge you to get involved and pray for our nation. Then give now to support a nationwide effort to protect children.
Osburn, Madeline. “University of Pittsburgh Uses Taxpayer-Funded Aborted Babies for Medical Research.” The Federalist, May 7, 2021.