Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Aug 10, 2024
New videos were finally made public — videos that Kamala Harris and Planned Parenthood didn’t want you to see. Nine years ago, then-Attorney General Harris came after my client, Sandra Merritt, for her undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood.
Just two weeks after Planned Parenthood met with Kamala Harris, she instigated a raid to confiscate videos and computers from the home of David Daleiden, which videos Sandra and David filmed that revealed the disturbing activity of Planned Parenthood and trafficking of newborn baby organs. Then this led to a court order to seal the rest of the videos so you could not see the truth.
Finally, the damning content of these videos can be shared for the first time in almost a decade.
We need your help to fight for life. From working on Capitol Hill against more than 100 pro-abortion bills to working on more than a dozen statewide battles involving the most radical abortion initiatives, we need your help.
There is no more important issue than protecting helpless children and their mothers. We are in the fight of our life. Partner with us today and your gift will be DOUBLED!
What has been hidden has now come to light ...
My client, Sandra Merritt, exposed the horrific reality of the abortion industry in 2015 when she released a series of undercover videos to the world proving that the abortion industry was butchering babies alive in an outrageous human organ trafficking scheme.
But instead of the doctors and company employees involved going to prison, the State of California, under an investigation started by Kamala Harris, has been working for the last nine years to put the whistleblower behind bars. That is in addition to a sickening 16 million dollars in civil fines for daring to cross Kamala’s favorite multibillion-dollar abortion giant, Planned Parenthood!
In the civil case, the judge refused to allow us to enter the videos because he did not want the jury to see the truth. But while Dr. Mary Gatter was on the stand, she admitted the reason she was negotiating for a higher price: “I want a Lamborghini.” This is the underbelly of the abortion world.
Now, there are ballot initiatives in many pro-life states that will make such butchery legal! Amendment 4, in Florida, will allow abortion up to birth for any reason and override EVERY health and safety regulation. We have launched our most extensive mobilization effort ever to educate and mobilize voters.
Abortion clinics are willing to kill children born and preborn to fill their quotas and traffic their infant organs for profit. Help us fight and end this with your gift today!
During her sworn testimony, Planned Parenthood abortionist Dr. Mary Gatter revealed her motivation for negotiating higher prices was because, she said: “I want a Lamborghini.”
Suppressed since 2015, new videos are now available to the public, thanks to Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA) who subpoenaed and released the videos for congressional testimony.
In one video, the chief medical officer of Houston-based Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Dr. Ann Schutt-Ainé, and the branch’s vice president of abortion access, Tram Nguyen, describe how they try to avoid the federal partial birth abortion ban by dismembering the baby while it is partially outside the womb to preserve the internal organs for harvesting.
“If I’m doing a procedure, and I’m seeing that I’m in fear that it’s about to come to the umbilicus [navel], I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix and pull off a leg, or two, so it’s not PBA,” Schutt-Ainé said in the video.
If these state abortion initiatives pass, Planned Parenthood won’t have to hide what they are doing in its blood-soaked death camps.
This evil must end. Liberty Counsel Action has launched our most intense project to educate and mobilize voters. We are producing millions of flyers, hiring staff, holding pastor events, and mobilizing door-to-door.
If we lose this battle, children will die in the most horrific ways possible. And their murderers will enrich themselves off of of their tiny livers, hearts, and scalps. Give your best possible gift today to impact the future of our nation.
Liberty Counsel Action is fighting this death-dealing madness head on. We will NEVER give up. Meanwhile, we are stretched thin across so many states and many different battles. Can you help today to provide the resources we need to fight and win these key battles?
We cannot perform this important policy work without your support. We have a Challenge Grant that will DOUBLE the impact of every donation made today. Please, support our ministry to defend LIFE and LIBERTY.
Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action
DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT with our Challenge Grant.
Olohan, Mary Margaret. “EXCLUSIVE: Kamala Harris Sent Agents to Raid Pro-Life Journalist’s Home After She Met with Planned Parenthood, Emails Show.” The Daily Signal, August 7, 2024.
“WRAP UP: Hearing Investigating the Black Market of Baby Organ Harvesting.” U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, July 30, 2024.