Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Aug 12, 2024
Planned Parenthood and its allies have come under fire for trading baby organs for “financial consideration.” Now they are pushing to completely deregulate abortion and the bloody slaughterhouses.
In an effort to circumvent laws banning the sale of human infant organs, Planned Parenthood entered into an agreement with research universities to provide aborted human remains “in exchange for the ‘valuable consideration’ of ownership of the patents and intellectual property the university develops using them, which could be worth millions of dollars in ongoing royalties,” David Daleiden said.
In just one agreement, the bodies of babies could be worth millions!
I’ll expose one of the experiments that Planned Parenthood and other abortionists were doing. But if the abortion ballot initiatives pass in about a dozen states across the nation, this will be open season on preborn babies, and also on babies born alive, because of the lifting of ALL restrictions on abortionists. This will make it almost impossible to stop the slaughter of babies after they are born because their bodies will be instantly whisked away to one of these “research” facilities.
We have a short time to educate voters and block these ballot measures from passing. If we falter now, these newborn babies will pay the ultimate price. America will not survive this holocaust.
Liberty Counsel Action is deploying our most intense mobilization effort in our history. We are printing millions of flyers, hiring staff, mobilizing voters, and educating pastors, and we need your help.
Give now to help educate and activate key voters across the nation to save tens of thousands of babies!
Planned Parenthood abortionists and others are brazenly neck deep in the human organ trafficking business-as-usual that has been continuing for decades. Now they are bargaining with universities to get a cut from any income of those experiments on the backs, bellies, hearts, and heads of dead American children.
Dr. Theresa Deisher is a research scientist with a doctorate in molecular and cellular physiology from Stanford University. She took the stand at a key moment in my case defending pro-life hero Sandra Merritt.
Dr. Deisher’s area of expertise is running a specialized heart testing study on mice. She is required to adhere to a very strict protocol of anesthesia before cutting out the hearts of these mice while each one’s heart is still beating in the lab and instantly hooking these beating hearts up to an electrical pulse to maintain each heartbeat.
Imagine Dr. Deisher’s shock and horror when she found out that other researchers were conducting new studies in the lab, only this time they were using beating baby human hearts!
When Dr. Deisher opened a container from an abortion clinic, she was shocked to see a tiny beating human heart. She testified under oath that the heart had to be beating at the time it was removed from the baby.
Planned Parenthood does not use any anesthesia on these children. And it would be impossible to undergo this complex procedure before the child is born. Dr. Deisher testified under oath that it was her knowledge that led Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden on an undercover investigation that lasted more than two years — and the results shocked the world.
However, in the YEARS since their videos first came to light, not a single abortionist or clinic employee spent even one night in jail! The only people who were arrested were Sandra and David, because they dared to expose this evil!
If these abortion ballot initiatives are passed, the vague wording in most of them would pave the way for these atrocities to happen across the nation by ending all protections, inspections, and restrictions on abortionists.
These abortionists describe the bodies of aborted babies as “proprietary,” which means they think they own these babies’ corpses. And they think they have the right to sell another human being ... or what is left of them.
Let that sink in ...
“Aborted babies are only valuable for Planned Parenthood to harvest and sell and for government-funded laboratories to buy precisely because they are human beings just like us,” said Daleiden, one of the people who went undercover to video evidence of Planned Parenthood trafficking in human organs.
I’ve watched the handling of dismembered babies inside some of the biggest Planned Parenthood abortion centers in the country, while their “research” officials discussed how to disguise the sales. I’ve met with dozens of Planned Parenthood’s top abortion providers at their lavish commercial abortion trade shows—sponsored by companies buying baby parts, Daleiden said.
He continued: “Sometimes, I actually saw them start to tear up describing the tiny brains and hearts and feet of premature babies that they dismember and brutalize before selling them, only to then steel themselves and shake it off, as they tried to suppress the heresy of human feelings that the dogma of industrial-scale abortion cannot allow.”
Offering testimony before members of Congress, Daleiden said:
I’ll never forget when early on in my research, a whistleblower from fetal body parts company StemExpress told me about the biggest liver her lab had ever sold—from a baby aborted at 5 months at the Planned Parenthood in Sacramento, California. They took the stem cells from the liver, put them in a vial, and sold them for $17,000 to another taxpayer-funded laboratory. Planned Parenthood says 75% of abortions take place because of financial problems. ... But for the abortion clinics selling and the government-funded laboratories buying, that 5-month-old baby was worth more dead than alive.
The financial motivation of these abortionists is sickening. But if these ballot initiatives pass, they will make even more money as all protections that could prevent this evil will be erased. This will allow any type of abortion, even gruesome late-term abortions that rip off limbs or partial birth abortions performed on children partially delivered.
If we do nothing, it is likely that these ballot efforts will pass. We need your help to turn the tide and stop this evil from spreading. Don’t let the baby killers make abortion a “right.” Help educate voters from supporting these deadly bills.
Our staff are creating many resources to help citizens change this election and be a voice for those who cannot speak. Your gift now is critically important to continue this work. DOUBLE YOUR GIFT NOW!
Thank you for partnering with us to defend these innocent babies nationwide! We need your immediate help for these critical battles.
Please join us in prayer that Congress will fight this now.
Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action
You can DOUBLE the impact of your gift through our Challenge Grant. And sign our petition today to key members of Congress.
Daleiden, David. “ICYMI: Text of David Daleiden’s Opening Statement at March 19 Congressional Hearing, ‘Investigating the Black Market of Baby Organ Harvesting.’” The Center for Medical Progress, March 19, 2024.